A SWGOH Sandbox Mode?

Chris Boler
2 min readAug 12, 2021

Well… Sort of.

Recently a guild mate of mine requested that I put a theory he has to the test. He provided me with a theory-crafted squad that should make it easy to test his hypothesis.

His idea, at its core was to see if the massive damage on Savage Opress’s Overpower ability procs when an enemy still has protection. This scenario luckily wasn’t super difficult to test, especially under the right circumstances. His initial suggestion of a team was pretty good, especially for a stab in the dark with no idea the composition of the opposition.

It took a couple of tries, some substitutions, and researching characters that ignore protection. In the end we found our desired conditions, it was Savage’s turn, Overpower ready to be used, and the opponent at fewer than 50% health with greater than 0 protection.

Conditions met!

Getting to this condition took trying Mod Battles and Dark Side Battles, looking for enemies that have protection. It wasn’t until I went to the Galactic Challenge that I found them. Squads of varying strength, most of which have protection. Not to mention that these challenges allow any team composition from the player with no restrictions.

Theory Proven!

This is by no means an ideal testbed.

There are conditions applied to the battle, and you have no control over your opposing squad. Fortunately Galactic Challenges repeat regularly, and they last for a couple of days. The additional conditions could be either harmful or helpful to testing new ideas.

So, if you’re a patient player, which — to play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, you’d either better be patient or possess generational wealth. You can use the Galactic challenge as a playground to theory craft and try new ideas. Just make your squads, use the new naming feature to provide a descriptive name, and wait for your chance to try them under favorable conditions. Be aware that this could take months.

