The Windows Key
Some inventions become so ingrained in daily life that it is difficult to overstate their worth. Little things, usually considered minor improvements at the time become so instrumental to accomplishing various tasks, like keyboard shortcuts, pre-sliced bread, or the wheel. The Windows 10 Clipboard can definitely be added to this list.

We’ve all been using ctrl + c, ctrl +v for many years, and it has made all ours lives easier. Many times in the past, I’ve wished for the means to copy multiple things up front, then past them as needed. That wish has now been granted. Using the Windows key + v, one can access their clipboard history and choose what to paste. The feature requires activation in Windows settings, but quickly becomes incredibly useful.
Although somewhat out of date, (for example, missing Windows key + . to search for emoji and symbols) here is a useful list of other keyboard shortcuts.
Be responsible though! If you’re using a shared device, remember to clear your clipboard history to ensure that you don’t leak private data (such as usernames and passwords). There’s also an option to sync your clipboard across devices, but that potentially opens more vulnerabilities. As with every useful feature, the utility must be balanced with the inherent risk. This brings up another useful Windows key combination, Windows key + l, to lock your machine when you step away 😁.